
Memories and passings

Twig I


05-16-2014, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 09:00 PM by Twig I.)

She didn't know how to respond to him, what he asked was so earth shattering the best she could give him was a few stutters. However he would continue, making sure she knew that she didn't have to decide now. She would wait until the world stopped moving, when her sunny eyed healer left it. She would sigh, her mourning was through, she had cried for so long after finding out he was losing his life. He would not keep himself on such subjects, quickly following with his explanation of their family. She didn't know what to do, she felt an urge to follow him but at the same time she felt the pull of the rest of their siblings. Still, he would not expect an answer of her then. Only that she knew she would always be welcome in his arms. She could feel her tears returning, these were not for Themisto, but for her brother. Those two tears would express the undying love she had for Crucifix as well as the turmoil she felt of being so split apart from him. Heaving a great sigh she would lean into him, glad to let another take her weight for just a moment. "I'm proud that you've chosen your own path. I just hope it doesn't cause a rift to form." he had said when they needed of him he would be there. But would he truly be able to keep to his word if he was under order of another? She would shuffle her concerns away, content to only worry about the present. "I love you Crucifix." her words were whispered in his ear as she drew ever closer to him. His soft plush pelt a pillow of down to her. "Forever." clenching her teeth as painful waves washed over her body the she wolf would cling to her brother. Uncertain of anything past her present moment.?