
Forsaken Armada


07-10-2014, 06:13 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
How did you get here?: A Bus
Age: 21

Character's Name: Forsaken Armada
Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 36"
Appearance Description:
Forsaken is a male who bears pride in his appearance, in all aspects of it that can be considered. He carries himself with the walk of a wolf who is sure of himself, a wild fierceness in his golden eyes. The eyes betray a look of mercilessness and that of a sadist, one who longs to hear the weak scream in pain and watch as the writhe helplessly upon the ground. He has features that bear a sharper, more intimidating look, with ears and tail held in a position of dominance.

As far as his build is concerned Forsaken is a large wolf, standing at thirty-six inches tall and weighing one hundred and fourty one pounds, he is not by any means a delicate wolf as his mother is. He has narrow ears and a sleek muscle, much like his mother?s own, though he bears a broad, powerful chest and muscled shoulders and thighs. He is a proud looking beast and won?t let anyone forget it.

As far as his coat goes this male is coated in a dull honey-brown, as if sunlight had touched the very color his mother bares on her coat and covered him. His lower jaw, ruff, and paws are all snowy white, with brown tipping his ears, tail and covering a portion of his back. His fur, due to being born in the north, comes in thicker naturally, to help keep him warm in the natural cold that is present there.
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