
You're my King and I'm Your Lionheart



5 Years
Extra large
05-17-2014, 12:35 PM

She was like a small child with how boisterous and innocent she became as he allowed her the pick of their den. As soon as he let her loose the girl would be on her paws, the excitement like electricity on her paws. She would thank him before her form was completely out the door. He had wanted to enjoy some more time wrapped around her, but her excitement would break him from his plots. He would sigh longingly but would still push himself to his paws. Following her protectively and keeping his bright gaze upon her form. She would look out before the old farmland before them, like she was contemplating her next move. Scorpion would have never guessed she would be so ready to take on her mission. He would wear a proud smile as he observed her mind would project what she wanted. "We will have to do some scouting. I've barely looked around, so you've got no ideas from me." he would stay planted before the front of their old hole, as long as it was better than his pick, he would be delighted. She had to be better at picking dens than him, but really he would be fine with anything. Seeing her light up so brightly had been pleasant enough for him. "Just. Start walking gorgeous." his lips would pull back in a crooked grin as he nodded for her to start looking. He was going to take the day off.?
