
sun tan lotion


05-17-2014, 04:39 PM

I became insane

with long intervals of horrible sanity

M- for language <3 read at your own risk!
"FUCK YOU ALL, FUCK THIS, FUCK THE WORLD. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? GOD DAMNNIT!" A ferocious scowl whipped across her raspberry lips with such agony. Mud clung to her normally beautiful fur. Gold and ashy eyes were narrowed as she slowly drudged through the swamp. The woman was delicately running about the bits of land when she tumbled into some grass that looked like it was held by solid dirt. No. It was marsh. So tumble went the vixen. Her ears were slung over, dripping from the mucky water. The woman looked like a mess. Her red and black fur was heavy on her body, making her look silly. The babe continuously spewed out various curses and threats to the world. "I was just trying to adventure, you know get the fuck out of the cave for once, but NOOOOOOOOO, this fucking shit had to happen. Why the hell does my pack need swamps within there territory. There is no use for fucking SWAMPS!" She was indeed in a pack and she enjoyed it, but that was not shown in those moments. Her heart beat with such rage. Various growls bubbled within her throat and anger overwhelmed her whole form. Only an idiot would approach the darling dove in those moments..