
You brought a light to my dark



5 Years
05-17-2014, 06:06 PM

Of course it wouldn't take long at all for others to begin to arrive though it was somewhat surprising to see Sound amongst the first to arrive, not one of her own siblings. Somewhat unwillingly she would withdraw herself from her parent's greetings, mismatched eyes falling upon her niece as she questioned her. A smile remained plastered to her face, certainly pleased about the little reunion and as much as a part of her would have selfishly enjoyed some time with her parents alone, that loyalty to the family was winning and she couldn't wait to share the excitement with others.

Before she could respond however Canta and Song were arriving as well, the latter being the biggest confirmation for Sound's question, that Novella certainly knew these two wolves. Smile would widen a little at Dutiron's question, he certainly always seemed to have one and though he hadn't arrived quite as swiftly as some of the family he would still find himself with something to ask all the same.

The next to arrive, even putting her own excitable greeting to shame would be Anthem. To see him so happy again would only cause her joy to grow, tail wagging happily behind her and smile still present upon her face. There was still more of the family that should be here to greet them though it was late and perhaps they were too deeply asleep to have realised the call was in fact real. "What are you doing here?" She would question, it was a surprise though definitely a pleasant one and her cheery tone alone was proof that she was glad to see them.

[Image: novellabot_zps431b5c94.jpg]
image by lunarcat7