
Hell Spawn



4 Years
05-17-2014, 07:03 PM

Aislinn had been traveling for many days now, of course forgetting how many. Leaving her dreaded home behind, somewhere back in the forest, Aislinn and her brother, Dusk, had decided to run away for an opportunity for freedom. Dusk had promised her that there is a better life than living as a rogue. He told her of a place of which countless battles had been fought over a great era and countless of years. A place that would give her the freedom she has always dreamed about. She would have to search for a pack.

She had embarked for her quest many sunrises ago, but had only trekked across the great unknown lands. She had found nothing, no hope or light. Perhaps she would never be accepted as a pack wolf, perhaps she would live out the rest of her days as a loner, only dreaming of what she could really do. But the Battlefield was far from here, and she must push on.

The plains were empty. Not a single soul dotted the horizon. Day was falling and it would soon be night. Her paws ached with exhaustion, blood dripping from her worn out paws. Her eyes stung. When was the last time she had rested?
She would have to find somewhere of the vast plains to rest for the night. Hunger clawed her belly and she only dreamed of the most refreshing water slithering down her dried up throat. She picked up her speed, hoping to find somewhere to sleep. She entered a lush forest, with trees that scraped the coal black sky, sparkling with a thousand stars. She rushed ahead, ignoring the pain in her legs and paws, feeling the wind in her paws. She ran across the grass with elegance and speed, as her wide azure eyes blinked to see a a great lake opening in front of her. She skidded to a halt, only to find her paws more bruised and scarred. She thrashed her muzzle into the lake, taking a long and cool drink in the lake. It had been such time since she had come across a plain of such richness of vegetation and food. Maybe she could just live here instead of joining a pack.
Swallowing the remaining water in her mouth, she licked her lips with satisfaction and dipped her blood stained paws into the lake. Feeling the icy water in her paws, she lifted her muzzle and opened her jaws to taste the air. Snow would soon come, wrapping the lands in a thick blanket of white. Wasting no more time in the lake, Aislinn decided to find a suitable home for the night. Her wide eyes scanned the trees, only to find something up ahead. It looked like another wolf, his white pelt shining in the moonlight as he took a massive paw step. He was a muscular wolf, with pure black lines spread across his fur. Catching his scent, he seemed like a rogue, such as her. But she longed for someone to speak and talk to.
"Excuse me, sir, are you alright?", she called out to him, her voice sore and dry, but she said it loudly and clearly, making sure he wouldn't hear the pain and sorrow in her voice.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]