
Lets make amends



4 Years
05-18-2014, 02:53 PM

Dutifully, Warja followed on the heels of her mother. Their pace was brisk and the youngling felt a pinch of uneasiness settle in her chest. Who could possibly be calling them? She knew very few wolves who weren't in her immediate family and fewer still (none, actually) who knew her and her family.

They arrived to find Rune speaking to an unknown wolf. Warja's eyes drifted over the stranger's form, her own body adopting a reserved manner. She wasn't that fond of meeting strangers. Her eyes then shifted to her father, studying the little cues that spelled out the situation as he saw it. He seemed excited, but at ease. In seconds he confirmed Warja's guess that the wolfess was known to him by introducing them all. Again Warja's eyes turned to the stranger, this time their gaze sticking a label to her features: aunt.

With this new information Warja studied Maia with interest, noticing for the first time that she too had green eyes. Were there other ways they were alike? Other ways that marked her father and this wolf as siblings? Did they talk the same way? Laugh the same way? Did she share any other similarities with Warja? It was odd to think of Maia as an aunt; it had never crossed Warja's mind that her parents might have other family. To her it had always been just them. "Hello." She dipped her head in greeting, still staring at Maia curiously. Meeting this aunt opened up a whole new realm of possibilities. If there was one, there could be more. Did Warja have other relatives she didn't know of? If so, where were they and why didn't she know anything about them?
