
If I could see your face once more



4 Years
05-18-2014, 03:31 PM

A rabbit held by the neck swung from her jaws. It's limp body moved in time with her steps, swinging back and forth slowly. She was getting good at this hunting business. What the little wolf lacked in size she made up for in speed. If it had been a flat out race, the rabbit would have found her to be as close to an equal as a wolf could get. The hunt had come down to a battle of wits and having observed rabbits and their fleeing habits, Warja had won with ease; which was an accomplishment she was very proud of. This rabbit was the product of practice and observation. Some wolves were content with learning through hunting alone, but Warja had gone out of her way to get to know her prey. She'd studied them, watched them eat and play, and yes, run from predators, and then she'd put what she'd learned to use. As she'd done with her previous kills, Warja was carrying the rabbit back to her family to share with whoever wanted it.

Topping a hill, Warja paused to catch her breath. The terrain here was steep and with the efforts of a hunt under her belt, the young wolf was exhausted. She was looking forward to handing the rabbit over and collapsing in front of the den. Yep. It was time for a siesta.

Her eyes roved the land stretched out before her, taking in the place she called home. It was then that she saw him, the white of his coat contrasting starkly with his surroundings. For a second she was still, staring at him in disbelief, and then the rabbit dropped from her jaws as she gasped in understanding. Kismet was here! Her energy renewed, Warja took off running. "Kismet!"

The distance between them closed quickly and in seconds he was within reach and looming over her; impossibly tall just like she remembered. Running at him head on, Warja threw her paws around his neck in a hug. "I didn't expect to see you so soon."
