
Time To Play �Catch-Up.�


05-18-2014, 07:41 PM

They had settled in, finding a den together. Meili would even go on runs in the morning. He would chuckle softly. It was surprising they hadn?t run into each other in the morning yet. ?That would be nice... I?m already up early in the mornings, so it probably wouldn?t be too much of a change to my routine.? Some company in the morning would definitely be wonderful.Then Meili would speak, asking her own question of him. Arwel would chuckle softly.

?I?ve been well, settling into the pack quite nicely, actually. It?s had been a bit lonely... I interact alright with the others here but I haven?t exactly befriended anyone yet to the point of hanging out with them. But... A few days ago I met up with someone again.? He was smiling brightly as he said this. ?Her name is Emily... A beautiful femme of tan and white with some brown and black markings. She has gentle eyes too, of blue-green.? He hadn?t even realized he?d gone into detail of describing Emily, but as he did he seemed to have a far off, almost dreamy-look in his eyes.

?I found her when she was just a pup... Her eyes weren?t even open yet. It hadn?t even been a year since our family was attacked... I was near the base of the mountain where I was living with an old healer... It seemed that Emily?s family had tried to start a pack near the same ones that attacked us... And they slaughtered them as well.? He would frown deeply as he remembered the events. ?Sindri took her on as her own pup... And we all lived together for a time... But then Sindri passed on. I moved on with Emily but... I don?t know... I wasn?t sure I could keep her safe and ended up temporarily joining a pack with her. I just wanted what was best for her... But... I didn?t feel like I could be part of her future. I left the pack one night without a word to anyone... But it seemed fate had other things in store and we found each other again.? He would give a soft sigh.

?Part of me still wonders if me being part of her life is a good thing or not... And yet the other part wants to keep her close. I?m not really sure what to do... I thought maybe with Valhalla being so full sending her to one of our allies but...? He would look down, guilty. ?She looked at me so hurt when I mentioned that... I couldn?t do it. I?m at a loss, really. She?s small... I worry for her... Especially being out on her own.? He hadn?t mentioned it, but it was clear Arwel had strong feelings for the younger she-wolf.
