
you won't remember this


05-19-2014, 11:47 AM
Altavro Of The Nomads
The male's eyes had drifted half shut when Erani spoke again, and he blinked hastily to clear his thoughts. It wasn't particularly effective, and the half delirious wolf listened to the angel's words without complaint, twitching his ears absently as she spoke. It took him a long moment to respond, blank gaze focusing on Erani's forms. "When the earth got all move-y." Altavro mumbled, words slurring together, "Rocks..." Wait, what about rocks? "They jumped at me." Well, that probably wasn't the best way to explain it, but Erani would probably be able to figure it out.

She sounded so pretty. Altavro just wanted to tell her everything he could think of to please the angelic figure. "Sharp, too." The words blended together, but Altavro soldiered on bravely, determined to explain how he had gotten those wounds. "Hurt." Okay, he couldn't really remember where he'd been going with that. The past few moments had suddenly gotten really fuzzy. He'd been saying something, but Altavro didn't really remember what. All he could really remember was the fluting, comforting voice of the angel as she'd spoken. She'd said something important, but for the life of him, Altavro couldn't remember. Oh well. She'd remind him if it was really important, and then he'd get to hear even more of her pretty voice.