
Wipe away my tears


05-19-2014, 01:20 PM

Silver stilts pulled her cross the orchard as the Queen finished her rounds of marking the border. It had been about a week since her run in with Kylar and his new whore and the thought still made her blood boil. Basanti was back in the den, sleeping soundly. The Queen had made sure to tire her out before leaving her alone. Dark jaws parted in a yawn, her body begging for a nap. It was odd, rarely was she ever tired during the day. Snow littered the ground, but one tree managed to shelter the ground below, providing a dry place. Deciding to take a nap, the Queen curled up, eyes fluttering shut, her breathing slowly as she drifted off.

several hours later

The cold gripped her like a vice, causing her behemoth form to shutter and shiver relentless. Eyes fluttered open, but immediately snapped shut with discomfort. A paw would lift, rubbing her eyes. Slowly her eyes opened, her vision blurry, eyes scratchy. Silver crown would lift, the woman gaining her bearings. Her gaze would drop to her paws, and what she saw caused her to go deathly still. Blood. Brows furrowed, the woman rising to her paws. Her heart skipped a beat, not sure what was happening. Shivers racked her body, the cold gripping her. Eyes burned, she could feel the blood wetting her face.

The Queen would step out into the snow, she needed to get back to the forest. Something was terribly wrong. Desperately she hoped she would find Kylar, maybe he would know what to do. Slowly the scene before her began to change. Blood stained the snow, causing her to stop. Eyes looked around frantically. Tiny little bodies lay still, covered in a light blanket of snow. Warily, the Queen inched closer, nosing one of the bodies. Immediately she jerked back. It was her siblings. The siblings her and demy has murdered. The silver woman back pedaled frantically, only to stumble over more bodies.

Her past was coming back to haunt her. Her adoptive family lay before her, torn to shreds, only the whimpers of those still dying could be heard. Lips curled back in a snarl, her hackles lifting. Eyes narrowed, searching for whoever was responsible for this. A deafening snarl ripped free from her jaws, jaws snapping at air, grabbing nothing. Slowly, a strange feeling crept over her, it latched onto her ankles, creeping up until she fell in a shuttering heap in the snow. Violent shuttered racked her body until she lay limp and unmoving, snow clinging lightly to her pelt. A disease had infiltrated her home.