
The Carmel bloodline


05-19-2014, 02:13 PM
OOC name: canttina
Which would you like: droust
name change?: Napoleon
Appearance: The man is a beast. A behemoth. A daemon. His body engulfs the true meaning of hell. Each movement causes a tremor, within the universe. He stands at a tall 38 inches. Each leg is packed with extreme muscle. His fur is short and to the point, though, along his scruff it is quite shaggier. Each paw is quite massive and his nails are black as night. The mans fur is a delicate fixation of black and whites. His base pelt color is a deep charcoal that has much darker blotches of ebony, feline like blotches. Rings within rings, as if he was a Panther himself. Though, along his head is a fine splatter of white that fades down his back and neck. The ebony blotches would continue to slither up her neck and up to her muzzle, where they get smaller and finer. His ears are dappled with black and white as well, with no sort of real patter. Though, his eyes are the focal point of his soul. Delightful shades of teal and green mix together in harmony, though they rarely reflect the insanity within.

Personality: The man has some serious issues. He is wrong and right in so many ways. He has a great resentment towards female. The man cannot stand females in any shape or form. He believes they are all annoying beyond the point of return. There is no doubt the man hates them, but he also has a soft spot for his sister Desire?. She would be the only female to grasp his interest or sanity in any way. Not even his mother could do such. The man is very rage oriented and violent when it comes to females. Due to his misogynistic ways the male would hide his sexuality from the world. He would always have eyes for males, but he would never admit his favor. Nap would have some serious personality disorders. At one point he would be quiet and reserved, the next he would be out of control. Though, he thrives on power and hungers for it. He is just a big ball of mystery and hate.

Rp sample: Napoleon let his alabaster lids flutter open to reveal his delightful orbs of green. Each dappled ear would twitch as noise would slip through their canals. A sound of growls and snapping jaws. The oddly designed man would perk up and tilt his head. His muscles would tense from the sudden movement and he would roll his shoulders to ready them. With a swift movement the male got up and slithered from his earthy cave. Nap looked around and sighed. His emeralds feasted upon the site of a wolf taking down a Hare. From the scent of the Wolf he would say it was a female, which much to his dismay, was horrible. The boy had issues with females. With each word, breath, and movement, they annoyed the living hell out of him. The dappled male sat down and just watched the alabaster femme take down her prey. He let his ebony tail curl up besides him as his eyes dropped in boredom. Napoleon sighed as she noticed him. Her annoying voice screeched through the slightly brisk air. "Oh hello there!" There was an obvious chipper point to the feminine voice, that made his ears ache. He rolled his eyes, "Hm." And Hm was all he offered. Though, she did not take his simple hint and various gestures as hints. He was obviously guarding his cave and telling her to back off without sounding mean. But, if she would not take a hint the man was not afraid to tell her to fuck off. The girl just tilted her snowy head and let out more high pitched noises. "Am I intruding?! Shall I leave! Oh my I am so sorry!" The girl paused for a few moments. He rolled his eyes once more and snorted, "Bye." And so the chipper gal left. He was instantly re-leaved and slithered back into his dark cave to sleep some more.