
Smith 'n his Crew


05-19-2014, 02:42 PM
Quote:? NAME
Kellen O'Malley
Quote:3 years
Quote:Lawful Evil
Quote:With a base coat of a russet-y red, Kellen is not the most uniquely colored wolf around. She's a fairly basically colored creature, with russet fur dominating her body, varying little in darkness or coloration. The only markings that this female boasts of are a white tailtip and a white, mask-like marking that surrounds brightly colored green eyes. There are quite a few scars beneath her coat, though most are concentrated on her chest and front legs. It's difficult to see them beneath her fur, but rest assured, they are certainly there. Her overall build is a solid medium, as Kellen stands at 33 inches in height and has a muscular, though not bulky frame. Kellen definitely has muscle packed onto her frame, and little excess body fat, but she's not exactly bulky. She falls somewhere in the middle of that spectrum as well, landing her with a solidly average build and stature.
Quote:If one were to carry a conversation lasting more than a few short minutes, they would realize immediately that Kellen O'Malley is no delicate lady. She's got a tongue sharp as a whip, and Kellen isn't above using it as a weapon. When this is combined with how easily angered Kellen can be, this makes her a force to be reckoned with, for sure. Her sassy nature means that should a wolf say or do something stupid around her, they will be mocked, no matter who they are. It's definitely easy to see that Kellen is a pretty rude wolf overall. Kindness and manners are not something that Kellen values. She's definitely got a crass sense of humor, too, something that she gleaned from living her life with a mostly male pirate crew. Kellen is more akin to a force of nature than the gentle creature that one might expect of a woman. She's all fire and sass and venom; there is no room for gentleness within Kellen's personality.

There is no room to deny that Kellen is self-centered. She will always be number one, and will do anything to save her pelt, no matter how morally dubious it might be. Of course, this does not change the fact that she is loyal to her crew of pirates, but she would always save herself first. Her crewmates are second only to herself, but they are a distant second at that. While Kellen is definitely willing to do more . . . dubious things to keep herself safe, she will do what is best for her only within the parameters of her actions not causing any undue danger towards herself. In Kellen's mind, it wouldn't really do any good to look out for her crewmates if she's not going to be there to benefit from it as well, after all.

It's often difficult to tell what will anger Kellen, but it's generally safe to assume that any sort of insult or attempt to harm her crew will upset her. Otherwise, just about anything can do it, and Kellen's anger is definitely a force to behold. She's more than capable of giving of giving a verbal lashing with her tongue, and Kellen's not afraid to get her paws dirty if she's confident in her abilities to get out of an altercation in one piece. It's definitely not unknown for Kellen to hold a grudge either. She can definitely be cruel when angered, and isn't above hurting, say, a family member or friend if she cannot get at the wolf that upset her personally. While perhaps not the worst wolf to anger, she's still not the kind of wolf that you really want upset with you on a good day - forgiveness is not in her vocabulary, and she's not the kind of wolf who is inclined to forget a slight.