
There is NO cure



5 Years
05-19-2014, 05:45 PM

Ebony dipped limbs would tremble beneath the meager form of a crimson girl as she made her way across the blackened beach, volcanic eyes bouncing frantically from left to right as she tried to find her way back home from these unfamiliar lands. When Fiamette had left the pack's territory she had not felt nearly as bad as she did now, and she knew she needed to get home before her illness progressed and she couldn't go on anymore. She had been feeling very ill as of late, as if something had found a way into her body and was draining her of all her strength and fortitude. Surly her mother would know what to do, she seemed to have a solution to everything, especially when a conflict arose within her family or pack.

Attempting to pick up her pace the crimson mademoiselle would take off toward what she assumed was Covari's border, only to find herself crashing toward the earth within a few yards. Dirt and debris would fill her eyes, nose, and mouth, and she would grunt angrily as she slowly picked herself up, wiping the defeated tears from her cheeks with her blackened paw. She would blink a few times, huffing and puffing loudly as the thick tears seemed to multiply within her eyes, streaming down her cheeks and making it almost impossible to see. "Stop it! Stop crying!" She would exclaim, as if her command could stop the tears from seeping out of her bloodshot eyes. The overpowering stench of blood would engulf her lungs, overwhelming the girl as she frantically swung her head from left to right, trying to free her vision of the dense liquid so she could see where she was bleeding from. Desperately she would wipe her eyes again, only this time to look downward and catch a glimpse of the blood that covered her entire ebony paw. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A bloodcurdling scream would echo throughout the territory, followed by many other agonizing shrieks as she wiped her eyes over and over, only to find more and more blood dripping from her crimson eyes. Was the color in them falling out? What was going on?


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"