
Look what the cat dragged in



11 Years
Athena I
05-19-2014, 06:22 PM

He'd tell her a bit about how his little family life had been going, informing her that they had two more pups added to their flock. Well, quite an accomplishment at his age, she thought. She loved watching him squirm and knowing that the sheer irritation etched on his features was her doing. She could really care less about his little speech about what being a mate meant to him. In fact, he thought nothing of it and didn't even bother to comment.

When Bane asked what had happened to her, Alena smirked and launched into what was sure to be a lengthy explanation. Each scar had a different story after all. "Well, you should remember to large scar on my shoulder, the one I got from that bitch that challenged me for my pack? The one that started bleeding again when I tried to chase after you when you took Nako? Oh and then there's these on my face. Got those in a challenge for a higher rank in the pack I joined not long after that. This one on my foreleg... well, that's one of the largest from the night a few months ago when a group of wolves came to capture me. Apparently they were still a little pissed off from when I killed some of their family members back in the day. Go figure, eh? They didn't seem to understand that I was just a hired hand, I had nothing against their family members besides the fact that they were all rapists and murders themselves. Those bastards held me captive, abused me, used me, everything you can immagine. It'd be far too simple to kill me, you see. They wanted me to suffer. Well, all that earned them was me killing each and every one of them one night when one of the two wolves guarding my den dozed off." She chuckled, her gaze glinting dangerously. "So, yes, I guess you could say I've been 'tossed about' a good bit."
