
Breaking free of these memories


05-19-2014, 06:51 PM

She would listen intently to the new male, her ice blue eyes trained on him and wide. As Sephiroth mentioned more of the family joining she would glance at her brother with a questioning look but would ask about it later. It would be rude to interrupt Sephiroth. He had much to say and offer and she took in each word carefully, weighing it one carefully. There was so much to take in and think about. It all seemed nice but what could she offer the pack? They seemed willy to offer her everything but what did she had to give in return? The thought dampered her mood and eyes dropped to the ground. He asked her about any other skills, compared her to Jinxx and suddenly she felt overwhelmed. She scooted back a few steps from them both, trying to think things out and stay calm. Tail swished nervously till a voice, a new one made her look up.

To her utter surprise there stood the male she had met during that horrible storm that drove her at one point away from Twig. Her blue eyes sparkled happily, tail wagging. With a soft yip of joy she bounded forwards like an excited pup."Of course I remember you Tyr!" She said warmly now standing infront of him. With a smile she would slowly reach forwards to touch noses with him, eyes closing with a grin. She remember how shy and nervous her was when they first met. Looking back at her brother and Jinxx she would position herself right by Tyr's side." i'd would like to join but I don't have much skills in anything else. I'm fast and can single out prey and drive them but not take down. That's all I have to offer, I feel horrible I cant give more back.." Her head would bow down as she stared at Sephiroth's front paws.