
Soothing waters, soothing company



7 Years
05-19-2014, 10:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Spent. That was how Tahlia felt. Spent, but completely and utterly satisfied as she lay beneath Bane, breathing in deeply, quickly, as she recovered. Could he move? Not that she wished for him to - his weight felt steadying against her - but she was not so certain that she could even if she wanted to. Her grip around him slackened, relaxed, and her legs folded against her chest as he rolled away to lay at her side. She stared upward and released a heavy breath in another murmured, "Mmm," another shiver stealing over her. She had thought to ask him directly, to leave no question, that she wanted him again, but he could read her better than she had thought. And she was so very pleased he had.

Her eyes closed as he tucked his muzzle behind her ear to tug at her fur there, delighting in the feel of his cuddling with her as he laid his paw across her neck. A dazed smile cross her lips as his muzzle busied itself along her ear, the grazing motion of his teeth both tickling and tingling. He spoke and she laughed airily, following it up with another deep breath. That makes two of us, she decided, opening her eyes and turning her head to look his way. Such contentedness, such joy. It was so wonderful to know, and see, his adoration for her, to feel it in each little touch.

His paw roamed, and as it did so he commented further, his words drawing her smile about more strongly, nearly into a hazy grin. "If you are lucky," Tahlia countered boldly, "then I have been blessed by the gods." Surely someone had to be smiling down on them, on all that they had become together? The black and russet she-wolf finally turned, nestled there on her side, and stretched her neck toward him to kiss his muzzle, a slow lick conveying her love for him. She could have repeated herself again, proclaimed another time that she loved him in every way imaginable, but she chose to keep quiet. Scooting a little closer she reached to tuck her muzzle beneath his chin, content to lay with him for as long as they had left before the risked alarming their children with their absence.