
Curious Minds Meet



7 Years

05-19-2014, 10:53 PM

So many emotions flashed through her little face that it left his mind racing to catch up with it. She was pouting when he was silent, begging him to share his inner thoughts with her. Then she flipped and rubbed her brown back into the earth, proving his point. "See! Dirt makes you brown. Maybe you are white under all that dirt." He said teasingly. So he fell down, meeting her gaze with his level one.

Giggling seemed to be a habit of this little one, and he couldn't help but return a small chuckle in response. Her laughter was contagious, she was a bound of energy she was. She told him that he was pretty, and he lifted up a paw and ruffled her head fur. "Naw, you're the pretty one, even if you're all dirty." She was cute, that was for sure. There wasn't much of an age difference between them, but without anyone else around to keep their eyes on her he found himself growing more protective over this one, as well as taking a liking to her endless energy.

The pup slapped his paw as if scolding him, blinking her sweet little lashes at him when she called him silly. Shock coloured his brown marked face, and he blinked very slowly at the little being. Had he been letting her think that he had a crush on her? She was too small to be worried about that. She stated her name, and he was about to welcome her before she spoke again. Bass sputtered at those words, shock even stronger. "G-girlfriend?" He managed, trying to wrap his head around this pup. "Cecily, little one, don't you think you are too small for that? I'm only a year old!" He said gently, not wanting to hurt this seeming fragile being. "I would be very honoured to be your friend though." Bass said with a smile, trying to ease this to her.