
Revenge [Morgan]


05-01-2013, 03:20 PM

Evelette kept her head low, her tail, swinging idly between her legs. Her body posture was tense, terse with the notion of violence that clung to the edges of her mind. She was a good wolf. Beautiful, capable, intelligent. She found herself a member of a beautiful pack and finally allowing herself to recover from heartache after heartache, betrayal, after betrayal. But a singular notion lay upon her mind, a singular nuisance that would not allow her peace and it went by the name of a gorgeous fae who could have very well been her sister. Its name was Morgan.

At one point the two had been the best of friends, always chit-chatting, speaking with one another, joking back and forth, but that was before, before the ivory bitch had stabbed her in the back and had taken the only thing from her that had mattered. Her mate. Of course, now, Freak meant nothing to her, in fact, in retrospect she should have seen it coming. He had been a deplorable nightmare of a creature, bloodthirsty and filled with indifference to the bitter end, but Morgan... Morgan had loved her, loved her like a sister, and she should have had the decency to tell him no. But she hadn't and Evelette could never forgive her and she never forgot.

She wanted to move on, but she couldn't, knowing that back stabbing whore still existed. She was not a violent creature by nature, but she had been kind too many times, it was time the world learned of her hell. She would approach the battlefield, blue eyes gleaming with determination. She would fight for something far more precious than the woman's right to live... no. She was a whore and thus her punishment would match. Evelette would challenge for the right to rip the ivory woman's womb from her abdomen. She would tilt her head back, maw arching to the heavens, and a call that had, at one point, been filled with love, now oozed with toxic venom, a singular name falling from her lips.

