
could've been a princess, you'd be a king


05-20-2014, 05:33 AM

They said that her mother could be found here. Senka wasn't entirely sure that she trusted the vague rumours that had reached her ears, but the scents that marked this border were familiar enough to the yearling wolfess. They tasted of her mother, as she had smelled in Senka's vaguest memories of the time before Ignis, when she had been young and carefree. But then she had gotten lost, and Ignis had been the one to find her, and not her mother. So she owed him that much. But Senka didn't particularly feel like it was a debt that needed to be paid back. She felt no bonds to the male, and it had been easy for her to leave her mentor of several seasons to search out the lands that her mother supposedly hailed from.

It had taken her a little while to finally decide to summon someone to the border. For a while, Senka had gone back and forth over whether she really wanted to call. Perhaps it would be best if she just waited until someone noticed that there was something wrong with the borders. It would probably be best, however, to simply get this over with. If the meeting went south, then Senka had plenty of escape options, and it was better to get this done with sooner rather than later. She still had yet to decide if she would stay with her mother - if her mother was indeed even here. But the best decisions were the ones that did not have to be made until later in the game, when all paths had been illuminated, and there were still things that had yet to come to light. Things Senka was curious about, in her own apathetic way.

And so, the multi-shaded gray female settled down just before the edge of the pack's territory and tilted her maw back to howl. The light noise called for any high ranked wolf, with no one in particular in mind. If her mother answered the call, then so be it. However, Senka wasn't quite searching out her mother just yet. No, instead, she wanted to know a little about the pack that her mother had joined. Would it be worth even entertaining the idea of joining her mother? Well, Senka wouldn't know for a little while yet.
