
crimson tears



3 Years
05-20-2014, 07:23 AM

Though Lysis Armada was slowly becoming a woman, a yearling at last, she was still very much a child in many ways. The scope of her world was small, and hardly reached beyond the confines of Glaciem. Her world was her brothers and her sisters, her father, her aunts and her uncles -- and little else mattered. Even adventuring with Kyarst and Drashiel gave her little insight to the outside world, to the vastness and horror that existed beyond their home. In that regard, she was still painfully naive, and content to stay out of politics, particularly when it did not concern her.
And though she did not know Sendoa well, her call was familiar to her, and it would not be ignored. Her voice was panicked and unwell, and the babe couldn't help but fear the worst. Her father had been sick for so long, and all that signified his presence were faint whispers of him, as though he was hardly more than a ghost. Slowly and timidly she would head toward the call, wondering what might be wrong to elicit such an awful cry. Her pace quickened, nimble paws carrying the slender girl toward the scene.

"Miss Sendoa?" she called out timidly, her voice sweet and airy, though laced with concern. Further inspection found that the black-furred woman's face was caked in blood, and her eyes brimmed with the viscous liquid. Eyes widened in horror and confusion, a rare expression from the sweet child, who suddenly was not sure whether to flee entirely or try to assist her. "What happened? Are you sick?"

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.