
Blood diamonds



5 Years
05-20-2014, 10:07 AM

Desire? had strayed well away from her den,residing on the edge of the invisible borderline. Something felt oh to wrong, a bitterness held thick within the air. Her mind would remain jumbled, not being able to focus for more then a few seconds. She would shake her small crown, pacing across the dusty plains. Little did the purple nymph know that a plague had spread wide and far, infecting many of them in there paths. A small pain began near her eyes, though it soon became much more then a little headache. She'd squint, the feel excruciating. The next thing she knew her eyes felt as though they where filled with tears waiting to be released down her angular face, though it felt much heavier then water. Desire? would open her eyes, blood beginning to pour down her facade, sloping rapidly down until reaching the floor. She wanted to scream, to shout for help, but no noise would leave past her lips. The fear that she was alone got her uneasy, was she going to die? Was Covari struck down with an illness.

Her body would cower slightly to the ground, almost as though she was trying to shield herself though failing. Her crown would dip in closer to her chest before the purple babe would stagger back. She no longer felt like herself, the rani felt the anger boil thick within her veins, though that anger then turned into panic. Her breathing rate would quicken and before she knew it Des would lower herself onto the ground, unable to see anything.Blinded for a moment. She could only hope another would come and find her, to take her away and guide her back to the safety of her den or somewhere secluded. Her lilac fur would become matted with blood, the mess far worse then she could imagine.

image by Serendipity