


05-20-2014, 01:27 PM

A creature of the night. A daemon. A vixen. A siren. The fae was all of the above. Her limbs were growing and her body was forming. She was huge, already. Due to her age, a yearling, the girl was near adulthood. She only had two more seasons. She was a little on the meaty side, her body very lopsided and awkward due to her adolescent age. The woman had been off for a while, running around, finding herself. She learned how to survive and fend for herself. Without either of her parents the female was on her own. Though, she came back, for her brother, Neios. She had a bit of a soft spot for the ebony boy. They had a taboo relationship. Playful fighting got out of hand and at times serious in all the wrong ways, but she had yet to adventure that far into their relationship. Nor, did she really think about any of that. The fae was in the moment and she was ready to take the lands by the neck. From her past of being abondoned and lost the female learned a lot of interesting character traits. She became much darker and hatred fumed through her like Mount Volkan its self.

Her large body slithered through the woods with ease. Each paw step was silent and each breath was hidden. Her tongue ventured across her inky lips. Purple orbs danced from tree to tree. She knew she was close to a pack, which one she did not know. The woman was not scared, for she would stay hidden until the man she came looking for showed himself. Her dark tail fluttered upon her rear, it was rather high, showing she was a threat. The woman was a threat indeed. She had learned to fight as best as she could in her time away. As best as she could with the tools she had and her age. The girl was advanced but not without faults. Blinded rage filled her and pointless violence excited her. She was scarred, but would never admit it. The girl would embrace her rage and use it to better herself and maybe even her family.. if she could find them. The luxurious femme then lifted her purple-hued head and let out a call for her brother. The pitch was delicious and inviting. He had to come.
