



3 Years
Extra large
05-20-2014, 02:21 PM

Illness had consumed the colossal monster, morphing his already trembling brain in ways that he could not imagined possible. Even while experimenting with various poisons and potions as a child he had never felt as sickly as he did now. The behemoth would sway upon trembling limbs as he followed the familiar cry that rang out fairly close to the territory's borders. Thick, crimson blood would drip from the corners of his eyes, leaving dry crusted lines down his muzzle, cheeks, and neck. It was obvious he had made no attempt to wipe the plague from his eyes, his toungue hanging lazily from his gaping maw as he panted over and over though he was walking at a steady pace. A feverish heat encased his entire body, making it impossible to cool down although he felt frigid to the bone. As he drew closer her perfume would become overwhelming, making it all too clear who this strange caller was. Nausica. He would slow his pace now, approaching her direction with his tail raised high above his hocks, his pelt bristled, and his lips fully curled. He had not seen his sister in months, and she suddenly decided to show up when the beast fell ill? What were her intentions. He would leave the treeline with ease, dominance radiating in waves despite his plagued appearance. Shortly after her form would become visible among the fading mist that leaked from the soulless forest, and he would make a direct beeline toward her large figure. She looked the same as before, only now his vision was half it used to be due to the blood that caked his eyes and continued to seep. He would smack his lips and try to speak, but suddenly the plague would take over, and he would lose control. His stare would fall blank, and his massive skull would violently twist toward the right, then the left, then upward, and downward, and vise versa, over and over again. His right back limb would jerk outward, kicking at anything that could possibly be in its doomed path. His mouth would gape open as a deep gurgling noise arose from the pit of his throat, and without warning vomit would spew across the earth at his paws. He would sway back and forth, attempting to keep his balance and his body uncontrollably twitched and spasmed.

ooc note: neios is wearing his harness in this thread