
Count on It [puppy birthing]



02-09-2013, 02:36 PM
Valhalla... home... the volcano had spread everyone that she had known as a pup, and the little Adravendi woman for a while had been alone. Yet it wouldn't be for long - she would follow the scent of family, let herself wander over the western lands. Steeled blue eyes flicked over the area, her ears perked atop her head as she listened for signs of life. Yet it wasn't a sound that caught her attention, but a particular scent - one of hormones and blood and a newness that she had never come across before. The scent of birth - Collision and his mate were here, and it seemed that the little woman had finally popped. Soliel was a mother - and that meant that Chrysanthe herself was an aunt. A part of her was buzzing with excitement, for how often does one gain new family this way? Yet another was not sure what to feel, she had no experience whatsoever with pups, nor mothers with pups, and although she was family to Collision in name she was not sure whether his mate felt the same way. The last thing that she wanted to do was to upset the new mother.

And so the female waited, her head shifting in the mother's direction quite while away when she heard her howl. Healthy children, she would not be celebrating if they weren't. Chrys grinned, daring to step closer, to let herself be seen by the couple. In the end, she stood before the two, mere feet between she and the growing family. "Collision, Soliel - congratulations." Her words were simple but joyous, and the smile on her face was celebratory. The woman's tail wagged gently behind her, the only obvious way that one could tell that she was brimming with excitement. "How many are there? Are they boys or girls?" Her voice was surprisingly quiet, composed as she voiced a couple of her inquiries. She was full of questions, curiosity about the birthing, but she would be patient with how quickly she received -or didn't receive- her answers. Her eyes would roam from the eyes of the new parents to the tiny wriggling pups laying beside their mother. They were far from cute at this moment - but they were clearly something to be proud of.
She couldn't wait to know their names.

"Talk like this
ooc: I hope that it's okay if I post here (: