
Get Out Alive



4 Years
05-20-2014, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 05:47 PM by Huata.)
The smell of the burning tar was intoxicating and sent her to her knees. The smell was horrible, and she literally felt like she was going to vomit. Fumes started to erupt from the ground as she could see bubbling as well. Her topaz eyes shimmered slightly from the little bit of sunlight that shone, but this was a living hell. Her paws would sometimes get stuck, but not so deep that she would be stuck for all eternity. She had heard about this epidemic that had been going around, and the femme prayed that she would not be one of the wolves that would get this sickness.

"Wow, did I make a wrong turn, this place his horrible," she exclaimed to herself and heaved a sigh, coughing from the little amount of fumes that had entered her nose and mouth. Her fur was slightly darker now and she wished that she would be able to continue onward, but, no matter where she walked off to, it would seem that she was becoming lost. With a heavy sigh, she continued onward, soon seeing a deer that had gotten stuck in the tar. All she could do was watch, for she was hungry, she didn't want to eat this deer, and as well as it being stuck in a sticky situation with the tar.

"May you rest in peace," she whispered as the deer began to snort and buck as small amounts of sweat and saliva came off of the deer from it struggling to get loose, but try as it might, every time it moved, it would sink farther down into the tar, and soon it gave up and died on the spot. She whimpered from the scene and lied down, making sure she was nowhere near the tar and her footing was good as she closed her eyes to rest. Even though this place was not a good place to rest, she had been wandering on and was feeling tired and needed the boost before moving onward.