
could've been a princess, you'd be a king


05-20-2014, 09:54 PM

Everything was starting to crash and crumble around him. Cat was sick, the first casualty in the plague that was beginning to sweep through the lands it seemed. It didn't look pleasant. If not for Basanti Kylar would have probably never left his love's side but his fear of what he might come back to. But despite the blood dripping from her eyes, the high fever and the hallucinations the rest of her vitals seemed stable enough to leave her for short periods of time. Today he had left with his daughter in tow, moving slowly so Basanti could stumble along rather awkwardly behind him. She was still too young to really understand, not even a month old. It was probably for the best. But still he didn't like her being around her mother for too long. Cat seemed to be only lucid half the time now, hallucinating the rest of the time. He didn't know what to do... He was lost and confused and suddenly all the anger and hatred and rage he had felt towards Cat had melted away into guilt. But at the same time some of that rage still coiled beneath the surface, ready to strike. He was ready to chase Lekan away should the stupid brat try and show his face while Cat was sick.

A howl alerted him to a stranger at the boarder and slowly the male would lift his skull, nose quivering at the scent before turning his skull to smile at his daughter as she halted beside him. "Well... Lets go see whats up..." He rumbled, voice a soft growl almost though his smile gentled his tone a bit. He didn't really have time to let Basanti toddle along behind him so slowly he would lean down, reaching to collect his daughter in his jaws. She curled easily into a ball as he lifted her by the scruff and started off at a long legged walk. She was still light but Kylar was huge so it was easy enough. The boarder was close, he had been headed there to do his rounds and luckily she was only another 5 minutes to the right hand side of the boarder. He slowed as he approached the grey girl, spots lining her face. Was this one of Cat's daughters? They had never spoken much of them so he could only guess. Slowly he would put Basanti down, stepping forward to stand over her as he studied the woman carefully. "Its sort of a bad time... But how can I help you?" His voice was slightly strained, he was stressed but he was doing his best to try and keep it together while everything fell apart around him.