



5 Years
05-20-2014, 07:52 PM

It was time to visit her love once more, and to see her other children. While she was not so brazen as to claim full parentage over them, the queen knew she wanted to be a part of all of their lives. She would offer them the same treatment as any member of Ebony, as any member of her own Family line, if for no other reason than that they were issues of Virgil's body. She smiled at the memory of the golden woman's lither frame, her quick mind, her sharp tongue. She was an impressive specimen, that would not be denied. In fact, Raisa was fairly certain it would come to blood between herself and anyone who might insinuate that she was anything less than the goddess she claimed to be. Such fond thoughts had been circulating in the woman's mind for a long while now and her own children, as well as her new surrogate litter, were strong enough to bear a few days without her. And so she had set out a week past.

Not long after she stepped over the pack border, (however hesitantly despite the assurances Virgil had given her,) the smell of sickness hit her nose. It was acrid, bitter, and rotten. It overwhelmed her on an instinctual level. Her paws pleaded and begged to turn around, to run the other way, and yet she broke into a dead sprint forward. She had to find Virgil, she had to know whether this plague had stricken her. The winter winds bit at her coat, nipped her nose, and brought prickling tears to her eyes, but the lithe woman did not slow. It was a waste of calories better saved during the harsh season, but what was conservation when her love's life was possibly on the line? Or the life of her children? She found the woman's scent and angled herself, following the trail like an arrow in flight, streamlined in her dogged intent. She would rather be ravaged by disease than let this woman die without saying goodbye. Elsa... Her mind's voice whispered to her, and she blinked away tears. Never again, she swore. The ebon queen came upon the golden empress suddenly and she skidded to a halt, noting her panicked framed, her sallow appearance... but she smelled hale and healthy. "Virgil," she said, letting her breath out in a gush. "You're okay," she said just as quietly, letting her eyes sink closed in a moment of blissful relief. When they re-opened her voice was brimming with a restrained sort of panic, tinged with fear and the acrid smell of disease. "What about the children? What on earth is going on?"

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!