
Soothing waters, soothing company



11 Years
05-20-2014, 08:32 PM
Tahlia, oh his Tahlia. Each of his shoulders hurt from where her dewclaws had scraped the skin from where she held him during their mating. But Bane didn't care. She was satisfied. He was satisfied. Nothing else mattered in their current moment together. His mate's forelegs were tucked against her chest just above his outstretched forelegs, the paw resting on her shifting down to touch them.?Tahlia's diaphragm rose and fell with her panting, Bane's body wriggling in so that his belly fur was touching her side. He heard her breathy exhale, Bane going a slow blink at the content noise she made as he continued to nose and nibble on her ear. Tahlia let out a laugh and sucked in a gulp of air, Bane stopped his toying of her ear just as she turned her head to stare at him for a moment to then match his comment.

She put a fire inside him, this female he pledged his heart too. The she-wolf lay on her side, Bane's muzzle reaching out to place a kiss on her cheek and along corner of her maw as she did the same for him.?"Nothing like simultaneous satisfaction huh?" Bane mumbled with an exhausted half smile when she laid her head underneath his chin. The pale wolf tilted his head placed a few licks into between her two ears, tongue roving down the left side of her face as another rumble surfaced in his chest. He settled down closer against her and traced the paw from her neck all the way alongside the edge of her stomach, a lick being placed in-between her ears as he waited just a little bit longer in their time spent alone before responsibilities would have to be put first again. Other responsibilities besides raising a family. Taking care of his mate's needs. That was job he would never mind for as long as he had Tahlia.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•