
Join the Hunt



05-01-2013, 08:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With a grin, the lean grey wolf fell into step with the rest, her tail wagging relaxed and her gait somewhat bouncing as she kept up. She stayed in line with them, following along casually at first until they neared their destination. It was nice to fall into a crouch and move about noiselessly with others, her nose quivering curiously and her two-toned eyes ever alert and watchful for the signs and sights of their prey. They should have been getting close, and she was even more certain of this as they began to split, distancing themselves from each other while still remaining in their line. Here, somewhere just out of sight, the deer lurked, unaware, incautious. She glanced to either side, catching movements from Leon and Chrysanthe as they settled in the line and stalked forward, Thane somewhere on Chrysanthe's opposite side. She remained in tune to them, expectant, hopeful for a sign that they were ready, that their hunt would soon begin in earnest.

Ashtoreth positioned herself carefully, body crouched and head extended, attention focusing upon the herd. Her ears twisted a little from their forward positions, anticipating movement and sound from either side as the others settled themselves. It was so quiet, so still, as the herd grazed, she nearly grinned. So unsuspecting, so oblivious to the hunting party who had spotted them. It was almost going to be too easy.

A glance to the side, eyes met through the foliage with the Valhallan Beta as she sought each of them individually, and with a wave of her tail she led the charge. Ash wasted no time in following, leaping forward and racing swiftly after Chrysanthe in pursuit of the herd. Her eyes roamed over them, noting the most healthy, the ones who were the first - and fasted - to retreat, and then settled on those who lingered last. One of them, surely? But which? Her eyes lingered on one who appeared to have a more hobbling gait than the others, hindered by age or an injury she was unable to tell in that moment. As she sidled closer toward it, her course angled to run alongside the fleeing creature if she sped up, she glanced sidelong from the corner of her eye, seeking out the others and in particular Thane. With him being assigned the lead, she figured his input the most beneficial to them all and she held back, hoping to receive some direction or at least approval before she committed herself to following the one she currently trailed.