
could've been a princess, you'd be a king


05-21-2014, 02:48 PM

The girl didn't know what was going. Her mama was sick, she knew that much. And now she spent most of her time with her daddy. Today was one of those days. She followed him around, tumbling over her own feet. When a call reached them, her verdant gaze would tip up towards her dad, looking at him curiously. Her tail wagged furiously as he told her that she would get to go with him. As her picked her up, she would curl her legs inward, forming a new perfect ball. Excitement made her vibrate in her fathers jaws, eyes trying to focus enough to see the world that was flying by.

They would reach the border, and waiting for them was a silver woman, much larger than herself but smaller than her daddy. She would be set down and her father would move to stand over her. Jumping to her paws, the little girl would peek out from between her fathers front legs, peering up at the stranger. She would listen to her daddy speak, her gaze never leaving the woman. She had spots on her face like her mama! And when she spoke, she spoke her mothers name. Her mama was also Cataleya! She struggled to stay put until her father spoke, seeming to confirm the information.
The little bundle of black fur would shoot forward, escaping her fathers grasp. She would bound towards the girl who was her sister. She jump at her silver legs, a little bark breeching her jaws. "Hello! I'm Basanti!" She would peer up at the girl, her tail wagging furiously, vibrating her entirely body. A grin stretched across her face, clearly unfazed but the fact that this girl was a stranger.
