
Exit Does Not Exist


05-01-2013, 09:04 PM

Or so hideous

Blue and white eyes snapped open, searching left and right before settling on the tiny form before him. A puppy of all things, cold and wet from the rain, an innocent soul seemingly all alone in the wilderness. He searched again, this time looking for some sort of a guardian for the tiny life before him. Nothing, no scent, no tracks, nothing that would indicate anyone was watching her. She spoke in a tongue he didn't understand, causing him to tilt his head ever so slightly. "Excuse me?" He asked, his voice cracking around his torn larynx. He assumed she asked what he was doing, but she was far too young to understand. How would she know the pain of mourning a mate? But he supposed, although he prayed he was wrong, that she would know the mourning of a parent, which was just as bad if not worse. He needed answers, an so he sought them. "Where issyour Mother?" He croaked, his throat burning in agony from the scarred tissue. He had to know. Was the cub alone? Abandoned? Was her mother dead or alive? Only the pup knew the answer and only the pup could say, and so he pondered, wondering if the small life would answer in his tongue or in another.


table by boo, image by hun