
could've been a princess, you'd be a king


05-21-2014, 07:45 PM

And so she had assumed correctly. This male had knowledge of her mother; he recognized her at the very least. This satisfied Senka, and she nodded when the male spoke. Though she had little to add to his statement, Senka wished to show that she wasn't entirely ignoring him. It was true that she took after her mother; the dots that lined her face had no cousins in anything that Senka had seen during her seasons of wandering with Ignis.

It was the stranger's next words that really caught Senka's attention. A plague, a queen. And a new litter? It seemed that Senka had missed more than she'd anticipated. "I will see her, sick or not, if you will escort me to her." Though her voice was calm, Senka desired to hear the other saying that he would escort her. She would not trespass on the pack's territory, even if it was a pack that her mother ruled. It wasn't a safe thing to do - and Senka was cautious, even now, about crossing the border. Still, the desire to see her mother pulled at her paws just a little, a foreign emotion stirring in her veins. It wasn't much, but it was more emotion than Senka had felt in some time now.

Glancing down at the pup as it launched itself at her paws, Senka twitched her ears, unsure how to react. She didn't move, letting the black pup do as it saw fit to her legs. What did one do with pups? "I'm Senka. Your sister." Hmm. Senka didn't have much experience with youngsters, but this one didn't seem too bad. Not as obnoxious as some could be. She almost wanted to ask the male that seemed to be this one's father if there were more, but couldn't bring herself to really care enough to ask.
