
sisters in arms


05-21-2014, 07:41 PM

Blood pelted babe had no qualms with waiting for once, content to laze in the boarder lands and await some welcomed company. The wait was not long, not was it short and a strange suprise would travel along with the grey temptress who slithered towards her. How had Vi missed that she was pregnant at the battle? Probably too caught up in herself as always to really care. But the babe was hard to miss, a small black shape with oddly familiar markings and eyes. "Oh dear Cataleya... The pleasure is mine as always. But what is this?" she purred, words sickeningly sweet though for once she did not stare the child down like she desired to eat her. No. Being a mother had calmed her down at least a bit in that aspect. But still the sight of this woman with a babe was curious since the topic of their last meeting had been the hatred of child baring.

"The need to express my gratitude for your show of support at my challenge. I never forget a friend..." Temptress's lips would curl I into a promising smile, tossing a wink towards the woman and a friendly smile towards the child. Those leg markings and the V's on her spine... Was it possible. "The father... His name doesn't happen to be Kylar does it?" She had to ask, without even really thinking the question would tumble from her lips. No taking it back now. But before the conversation could continue a male slithered from the background, submissive and quite honestly. Delicious looking. He introduced himself as Cataleya's slave and Vi's lips would purse in curiosity as she turned lantern gaze to the grey queen and her daughter. "My desires are quite fulfilled thankfully... But I may require services in the future. Of course not without your Queens permission of course..." Skull would tip and incline in a small bow, a show of respect to Cataleya and her claim over this male. She would never go over the woman's head.

Table by Azil