
Take a step on the wild side!



05-21-2014, 09:54 PM
Amia Tulip

The plants here were still lush in growth. Herbs not found in Valhalla and others abundant. This find was surprising and more than welcoming to and healer's eyes. Part of her wanted to keep this little patch as her own. She might just do that. Every Healer had a patch of two they went to frequently to gather herbs. She wouldn't take someone else's little finding. Her paws moved carefully around the plants, nose delicate in their search. It was refreshing to find such a warming site compared to what lurked in her mind and dreams.

A voice sounded off to her side making her pause mid-step. Head lifted up to face the newcomer, blue eyes clear and bright as the sky above. Raised paw settled back down upon the earth silently, her fur being tugged and whipped about by the cold air. The owner of the voice was taller than her, strong looking and seeming to be dominate and proud. Her body made no response to his raised tail and high held head. A simple flick of her tail and perked ears."Damsel? I fear that is too feminine a word of me. A damsel is usually one in distress, I surely am not that." She replied back calmly. She went back to nosing a bundle of lavender of a moment. "I wonder what's down there.." She said and turned to look at the mouth of the cavern. Excitement and the need to find out tingled in her paws. Looking back at the male she gave him a questioning look, wondering if he knew.