
Fragments of Hope[epidemic thread]


05-21-2014, 10:15 PM
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Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. The scent of something strange was in the air. A type of sickness. Something... Something was terribly, terribly wrong. A low growl would escape the male as he pressed on his patrol, moving towards the lake territory. The soft barks in the distance were picked up. They sounded... Weaker. Concern would flash in cerulean orbs as Arwel searched his memory. Familiar. It was a familiar voice. He would break into a run. It had to be a Valhallan, and they needed his help.

He would arrive on scene, taking in first Vahva, half in the water and letting out pitiful whines, and another of those creatures that had attended the meeting. They were large and hooved, though they certainly weren?t deer. There was no time to wonder about that right now, however. Without thinking he would move towards Vahva, knots gripping his gut the moment he saw the blood on her face. He hesitated for a moment, uncertainty in his gaze as he looked at the healer. He?d breath in then. Sickness. But... She needed help! Arwel would cast fears aside... If he was to become infected, get snapped at, so be it. If he was going down it was going to be helping a fellow packmate and not standing by. With her current position he worried for her slipping into the water and drowning.

?Vahva, It?s Arwel...? The woman didn?t know him well, nor did he know her well, but she had called a healer meeting... One that had bombed but he had still tried to attend. He?d move to her now, paws squishing into the mud as he came alongside her. ?Hold tight, I?m going to try and help you out.? Arwel would shift his body so that he was directly alongside her, jaws aiming to grab her scruff and body ready to support her weight in a short drag onto the shore, should he be successful. There was no telling what might happen at this point, however.



