
Smiles Make The Day Brighter You Know



05-21-2014, 10:35 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was supposed to be resting. She knew she should. But it was not at all in her to do it. A walk around the plains had put something like a stitch in her side so she had returned to the den only for the pain to leave her quickly and lying within the den with nothing to do but stare at the stone walls and worry. Worry about her pups - were they growing okay today? - and Leon - was her anxiety beginning to drive him away? Ashtoreth tossed and turned, got up, tried different spots, different positions, but nothing seemed able to calm her spirits enough for that rest she needed.

She was just about ready to give up on it completely and go out to try that walk again when she heard the voice at the den's opening, and ears perked she turned her head to listen and peek at her visitor. Arwel! Meili's brother. She had met him once, during one of their pack hunts, and saw slightly the resemblance he had to her best friend. If he was anything like his sister she doubted she would have any trouble befriending him.

"Arwel, hi," she greeted as she got to her paws with a welcoming grin - just the kind of perfect excuse she had to get out of the den, even if only a few feet. And, oh, those squirrels he had brought did look so delicious. Her mouth practically watered as she set foot outside the den, drawing in a deep breath of fresh air and fresh meat. "Oh, thank you," she said enthusiastically, tail wagging as her round form took a seat before his small but delightful offering. She licked her lips before she lifted her gold and purple gaze to glance at the blue-eyed male, and offered a casual inquiry before she reached down to bite into the first of her treats. "So what brings you here? Did Meili send you?" She would have expected her best friend to visit on her own, but maybe she had been too busy, maybe even picking up for Ash's slack of late.