
do i wanna know?


05-22-2014, 03:36 AM

He thought he would be able to keep going. To be able to plow along without stopping, though of course as fate would have it...he was wrong. "Hello there." Blue gaze would sweep upwards, looking at the girl that had greeted him. Though he wanted to keep going and pretend he hadn't heard her, he couldn't simply ignore her like that...though any other day he would have been more then happy to do so. Perhaps it was since the pack broke apart after the challenge, and even before then he had kept to himself. Some pack member I am... He would think bitterly, though there was a behind the scenes kind of reason why he was that way. "Nice day huh?" Eyes closed for a moment, and finally he would turn around and close the gap, though stopping a few feet from her.

Eyes would glance up at the sky, the sunset he had not noticed previously. He would glance at her from the corner of his eyes, her tail high upon her back while his own just kinda...dangled. Had it been the time before his life changed in such a drastic manner, he would be as she was now. Holding himself high and proud, just like he did as a child. But now, it was as if life would continue to throw curve balls at him, leaving him feeling like he should never hope for anything ever. Else it just be stripped away...Ellone. Loccian. The friends he had made growing up. Everything. He stood there on her right, his frown permanently fixed on his face as usual. Gaze betraying nothing save for the distrust he held for the world. "I suppose it is." He wasn't sure what else to say. Somewhere the back of his mind had alot to say, for it was always in a constant swirl of motion in thoughts. But yet, when it came to talking...he just didn't really care.

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