
Out with your mouth [Training]


05-22-2014, 05:31 AM

Isi was typically busy finding ways not to be. Though as a Commoner she certainly didn't have much responsibility or respect within the pack she still preferred having fun to doing jobs and though of course things would eventually get done, it always seemed to be in her own time. Right now however she actually was trying to do something useful, stalking a few rabbits she aim had been to catch one and bring it back for Raisa's pups doing a job and creating an excuse to spend time with them.

The call sounded and she initially ignored it, orange eyes fixed upon the rabbit before her, it wouldn't be enough of course for all the children to have a decent meal, but it was better than nothing, a nice little snack for they probably had plenty of food from everyone else anyway. Closer she moved, doing rather well at remaining hidden and then suddenly she would begin to make her chase and that would be the point it all went wrong. The rabbits scattered and for a moment she wasn't sure which one to follow, the few seconds she took certainly gave the rabbits a head start and as she finally chose one and chased it the rabbit would dive into it's burrow and Isi would go skidding along the ground after it, shoving her head into the hole after it.

"Ah, I'm stuck!" She would declare though the calls obviously muffled to the world outside and probably deafening the poor rabbit as it hurried along the den. Wriggling and squirming she would eventually free herself and discover that fortunately no one had seen her error. Deciding now to respond to that call, the muddy faced girl would make her way to the lesson.

She would arrive a little late of course though with only two pups and Katja actually present it appeared she surprisingly wasn't the worst. Taking her seat beside the adult she would try to act nonchalant though of course overdoing her actions more than a little, the serious expression certainly looked out of place on her, especially given her face was still dirty.