
backwards from ten

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-01-2013, 09:42 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

the level of nonchalance that the earthen male showed toward her feisty companion was quite appealing to jupiter, and reminded her very much of her own attitude toward his shenanigans. it was humorous to see a trait it had taken her far too long to develop appear almost instantly in this mysterious male. throughout mercury's irritating vulgarities, he maintained a calm visage and an affable attitude, and it piqued the girl's interest considerably. is he in a pack? came a curious whisper in the back of her mind, momentarily creeping forth to plant the seeds of possibility in her conscience, though they were quickly something she dug up and tossed away. the alpha needed more than just members in her pack; in all reality, she needed some sort of companionship--male, female, anything--for a friend. gerhardt was wonderful and mercury, when not with others, was a joy, but it didn't seem like quite enough to her at times.

as he shuffled up the sloping planes of the fallen behemoth she took note of his slim posture, ear flicking to acknowledge his words and the politeness that they held. had she herself lacked manners, she would ask him if he were sickly, but his voice and pelt seemed to hold considerable health. in her observations she nearly forgot to reply, but words nearly habitually slipped from her ebony lips as she answered a question she was accustomed to hearing. "a brief relief from routine," she responded as she took her place where he had been, glancing at mercury as he still struggled to try and reach it despite the fact that there was an easier way up. even as this 'hargreaves' individual welcomed him up, his stubbornness refused to budge.

"i don't need your charity, y'cunt!" jupiter flinched--he was particularly volatile today. "i'll get up here and push you and your calm self off that goddamn log!" the sol took to ignoring him, idly hoping that her new acquaintance would take to doing the same.

"it's a pleasure, hargreaves." what an odd deviation from the first name he had given her--she idly wondered what meaning lay behind it. the thought of being fed a false identity crossed her thoughts, but shrugged it off, for the prospect didn't bother her at the slightest. she'd been guilty of such before, and had no room to judge or say anything about it. "and yourself?" came her affable inquiry. she brought her celestial eyes to seek his, ears forward and expression attentive to project that she was listening.

? 422 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
sorry for the wait!

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.