
he's no good, girl, no good for you


05-22-2014, 09:30 AM

The darkness of the cavern only served to add to her mystery and allure. Testosterone raged in his frame, and yet he would fight it initially. Curiosity had brought him here, at least that's what he told himself. Besides the copious amount of estrogen in her scent, she carried something else with her - a pack he knew not of. It was faint, leading him to guess that she may have only been near it and not actually a part of it. Of course, there was always the chance that he was wrong completely - his mind wasn't exactly in perfect working order at the moment. Her perfume nearly choked his senses, as it was very nearly the only thing he could focus on - but he tried to push the thoughts out of his mind. "I'm Maverick." Lost were the civilities of old, lost were the fancy phrases, surnames, and other such courtesies. Oddly enough, a nervousness filled his gut, and he wondered idly where it had come from. His haunches sought the earth gingerly - almost as if he thought if he moved too quickly she might evaporate into thin air. Indeed he wondered if she might. After all, he still wasn't certain she was there at all - perhaps his mind was merely playing tricks on his senses. This wouldn't be the first time it had done so.
