
Look what the cat dragged in



11 Years
Athena I
05-22-2014, 11:32 AM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2014, 11:33 AM by Alena.)

Alena didn't move as Bane leaned in closer, his muzzle all but touching her cheek. At his words her eyes would narrow and a snarl would threaten to touch her muzzle. Suddenly his mere presence seemed irritating. No, infuriating. She moved suddenly, turning and lowering her head in one quick motion to latch her jaws onto his throat, not tight enough that she would break the skin but perhaps tight enough to impede his breathing a bit. In the same motion she pushed to knock him over onto his back, pressing her forepaw into his chest once she had. Releasing his throat, she stared down at him, her nose nearly touching his. As she stood over him a twisted grin spread across her muzzle and she chuckled, her Violet gaze holding all of her dangerous thoughts.

"You're right, you can't imagine, and don't you dare say you understand the torture. Though, I could make you understand." She lightly brushed her muzzle against his down to his throat, adding, "Skin is so delicate. Even with fur to protect us, it really just takes one little bite to tear it apart." She snapped her jaws together just above his throat, her teeth catching a few strands of fur there. She giggled madly as she brought her gaze back up to meet his. "I had no real reason for calling you. In fact, if I hadn't noticed your scent I would have probably gone on my way and we never would have had this little meeting. But, unfortunately for you I am quite observant."

She leaned in, her muzzle brushing his cheek and her teeth ever so lightly grazing the skin there. Her paw that was still pressing down on his chest flexed, her claws pressing into his skin. "I could kill you, you know," she whispered by his ear. "I'd make it quick. One bite to your throat, rip out your wind pipe, you'd be gone in moments." Alena would nip lightly at his ear before finally stepping back, releasing him and taking a step or two back before she spoke once again, her violet gaze glaring. Remember that as you go back to your family, go back to your life. Now scurry along and go back to Talla or whatever her name is and stay the hell away from me before I change my mind." With that Alena would turn and stalk off into the forest with a flick of her tail, turning her back on Bane hopefully once and for all.
