
when he takes your throne

Athena I


9 Years
05-27-2014, 02:13 PM

ooc: sorry for the huge wait! Thank you for your patience!

Athena snarled with mild disappointment and frustration as all of her attacks would fail as the male jumped out of the way, just escaping her grasp. Her fangs remained bared as her eyes narrowed with a new determination to sink her teeth into his flesh. For a split second it felt like a stare down at he rest his defenses, giving her plenty of time to do the same. Her shoulders rolled forward once more and her hackles remained bristled, silver scruff bunching up protectively around her neck. Now that she was back on four paws she set them evenly beneath her and let her toes spread, her claws finding purchase in the soil under them. Her ears remained pinned back against her skull and her head tucked down over her throat as she glared at him through narrowed eyes. Her muscles tensed in preparation of his next attack, her knees bending ever so slightly to give her more freedom of movement and her tail laying level with her spine to act as a rudder and help with her ballance.

Then her opponent had the audacity to copy her attack from earlier, coming toward her right side, aiming his shoulder to hit hers. A growl rumbled in her throat as she took the hit, but stepped to her left as it hit so that the fluid motion of her paws would take most of the force. It was sure to cause some light bruising, but so would simply bumping into a tree or the like so she wasn't concerned. However, she was a bit more concerned with bite that he managed to place just behind her right foreleg. It was a shallow bite, but it certainly caused blood to run down the back of her leg and it gave a sharp sting with every movement. With that bite she knew for sure he was mimicking her attack from before and she quickly stepped to the side, moving her hind leg out of his path to save from having two bites to deal with later.

"Quit your mind games!" she snarled out as she whipped her head back toward him. Since his last attack had left them so that their heads were by each other's tails she quickly tucked her tail under her to protect it while at the same time snapped at his tail. Should her teeth make their mark she would clamp down on his tail and jerk her head to her left side to hopefully pull him off balance a bit before she let go of the appendage. She would then shove her right shoulder into his hip, knowing well enough that it would cause some bruising for the both of them, but she didn't much care. If it knocked him off balance it would be worth it. Lastly, she would dip her head lower to aim a quick bite at his right hind leg, wanting to place a bite similar to the one she had already left on his left hind leg, wanting to slow him up even more.

ROUND: 3 of 3

DEFENSES: Eyes narrowed, teeth bared, ears pinned back, paws spaced evenly, toes spread, claws dug in, knees bent, muscles tensed, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched and hackles raised, tail out for balance and then tucked under her out of the way, head tucked down over her throat

ATTACK: Snapping at his tail to clamp down on it and use it to pull him off balance, hitting her shoulder against his hip to cause brusing and knock him off balance, and snapping to leave a small bite mark on his lower hind leg
