



05-01-2013, 10:31 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Still she smiled as he seated himself beside her, following suit to allow her tail to wag gently against the snow. Though she was beginning to expect and accept it more, it never did cease so surprise her how well she fit in here with these wolves, those of her pack and outside of it as well. She felt so lucky, so privileged, that she hardly knew how to react half the time, and even now was glad that Toprak was a natural at conversation. She was sure to stumble and blunder if left to it on her own.

He answered her questions, and she nodded understandingly. She could see what had drawn him here to this forest, what had made him quit the Wall for this. It was much more lively, much more hospitable, than that stretch of snow and stone had been, more likely to receive attention from passersby as well. How lonely must it have been out here for him on his own? He seemed so joyful that she had to wonder if below it was any sadness, any distress at his isolation? Or was he content, far more comfortable here than he would have been within the confines of a busy pack? But even he seemed to be uncertain about it, voicing the words aloud. The creamy white wolf's expression softened sympathetically, knowing herself how difficult adjusting to pack life was. She was just grateful to have the pack she did to make the transition easier. Even though he remained on his own, she stayed hopeful for him to achieve his wish, to find a mate and raise a family on his own. He was certainly independent enough to do it. "I'm sure you'll find something - and someone - that makes you happy," she answered reassuringly, unsure how else to answer his bold admission.

The games came back unexpectedly, and she chuckled a little as he brought them up, in particular their last race. He had been quick indeed, even a tough match for her. She was certain her own running skills had failed to improve since their last game, but she couldn't bring herself to tell him no. "Sure," she answered agreeably, rocking slowly to her paws. Her tail wagged slightly against her legs as she stood, her dark brown eyes nervous but happy to partake in another game with her friend.

[Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: spx4z8.jpg]