
Kiss me hard before you go {P}


05-22-2014, 02:57 PM

The girl's head was poked in the burrow, seeing what she could. It was dark, so she couldn't see much, but it was cold, she knew that from the cold wind hitting her nose. Through the darkness, she could see the sides of the burrow, made out of what seemed to be rock. There didn't seem to be anything there, but when a spider crawled out, Silveris yelped as it climbed on her nose, shaking her head wildly, to get rid of the creature. She whimpered softly, ashamed to be seen scared of such a tiny creature; but spiders creeped her out. In the brown and white wolf's world, anything that looked like a bug, but wasn't, couldn't be trusted at all. It could be the same with wolves, but glancing back at the gray and white wolf, something told Silveris that he could be trusted, that she didn't have to worry. She had been a lot of trusting lately. She had trusted Loccian, which had turned out to be good, and now this wolf. Of course, the brown and white girl was pretty sure that Emery was a wolf like her, who wouldn't hurt anything. Silveris watched as the multicolored leaves were blown throughout the air, making the small clearing look so much prettier, and the brown wolf watched it until Emery spoke, making her jump.

"I guess that it could be something interesting to help me wake up a little more." Without another word, Silveris sniffed the air inside one more time, and then crawled inside, looking up and watching the spiders crawl around her head, shivering. She glanced at the rapidly setting sun the best she could, then sighed and drug herself out, her fur bristling as they brushed spiders. She glanced at Emery, then at the sky, hoping that he'd understand why she was not able to explore the cave entirely. Then, softly, she spoke, coughing a little from all the dust and cobwebs in the small tunnel she was in. "Sorry, Emery, but I couldn't explore the tunnel all the way because it was getting dark. I couldn't see, and I'm afraid of stumbling into something." With a sad dip of her head, and a glance at the burrow, she raised her head and was about to walk away, when a thought stopped her in her tracks.

She raced back to Emery and sat down, tilting her head as she watched him, until she gathered enough nerve to speak. If he didn't have anywhere to go, he could stay here, at least until he decided to leave. It was the best she could do for her friend. Smiling, Silveris wagged her tail and rose to her paws, as she spoke. "Hey, you could stay here. I mean, if you don't have anywhere else. It's the least I could do for a friend."

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