
I'll dissolve when the rain pours in

Twig I


05-22-2014, 03:16 PM

The scene might have been a dream around her, had she not known better she would have started to believe that she had died with Themisto. The temperature would continue to drop but being wrapped within Alpine's grasp would keep her warm. If Themisto had taught her anything it was living in the moment, and being thankful for everyone she had. She knew she could not let herself perish now, not while she had companionship such as Alpine. She could hardly breath as she tasted his lips for what felt like the very first time. The intimate moment causing a shiver to run down her frame that was not from the cold. His gasp would harmonize with her breathless sounds as Alpine would whisper gently in her ear. Passionate words soothing to the touch as her body would tingle with each syllable. Burying her features into his coat she would be reminded again of her heat. Clenching her teeth she would avoid the needy passions her body would crave, finding them ever harder to resist.
She would almost thank him as he slipped from her grasp, but his form would shake as roughly as hers. Another whine would slip from her ebony lips, vibrant gaze filled with confusion before sweet lyrics were sung to her. Reaching to kiss his muzzle before silver paws drew him away from her lazing form. Watching his departure the cross marked girl would feel an unearthly pull towards him, trying to distract her mind for the moments he was away her marked form would stray to the water's side. She was curious of his gift for her, what had he found while away from her side all those weeks. As she quenched her thirst the silver knight would return, her heartbeat suddenly starting again as his form was in her sights.
His presence would elicit another needy whine from her lips as she surprised herself with the intensity of which her being burned to feel his touch. He would keep himself from her though, his steps halting as he placed an item at her paws. She would feel herself Slip into a feeling of weightless euphoria as her amethyst orbs would take in the sight of his priceless gift. The symbol of a fiddlehead fern, she would gasp losing what was left of her even breathing. "Alpine, it's so beautiful." sparkling tears would well up within her brilliant royal purple gaze as she looked up into his clear blue eyes. She didn't know that she could ever love anyone as much as she loved Alpine in that single perfect moment.
Her marked lips would find another whine slipping from her jaws as she closed the distance between them. Her tail would wag and a smile would grace her features as her chest met with Alpine's. Her marked muzzle would slide under his jaw and to his cheek, two little tears running down her face. Their warmth would mingle as coats touched. Twig's skin would alight with the close contact, everything in the world forgotten but her and the wonderful man she embraced.?
