
Take hold of my own dream


05-22-2014, 04:22 PM

She moved easily along the edge of the cliffs, gaze shifting between the drop off to her right and the snow dusted meadow to her left. Winter was upon them. Part of her regretted leaving Ludicael, leaving her beloved hot springs and trading them in for a swamp and a rickety old building. Stupid girl... She shook her head and sighed before lifting it and rolling her shoulders back. Fuck she was tired... Ruling a pack sucked. Everyone wanted her attention and she really had no time to do anything for herself, no time to start things. And so she would walk, leaving her territory, her love, her pack members and her family to explore a bit. She had begun first by scoping out new territories but had begun to wander a bit too far and had come here. It was interesting but not overly so. Maybe that's why when when she saw the male she forced herself to halt and study him. Nothing overly spectacular to look at but then again Scorpion hadn't been either. After a moment of consideration she would turn, long legs and white dipped paws dragging her towards the man with a curiosity to her step. "Hello my good sir..." She would call out as she approached though caution won out for once in her life and she came to a half a short distance away from him.
