
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty


05-22-2014, 04:46 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 10:41 AM by Aislin.)

Sin was gone. Aislin knew this much. He would not return with his harem of whores. As seductive as he was, Aislin felt it necessary to move on. The girl wasn't even getting sex at this point, even though there were plenty of men out there. Damn if she could only get some attention! First, a new home had to be established, and since she was south, Aislin thought she would hit Covari first. Aislin had heard that it had wolves just like her in the pack, so perhaps she could fit right in.

Padding out to the south, Aislin made her way to the Range in all the snow that had fallen over the last few weeks. Aislin hated snow. It was too cold on her feet and it made them ache. It was all an obstacle of course. Aislin cursed to herself as she sometimes fell into a hole covered with snow. Aislin would regain herself, but snarled after she climbed out. Aislin couldn't wait till spring was over. Her period would be on, she would become a snarky bitch as she looked to get laid for almost a month, and then it would be over until next year. As much as she hated the winter, she hated estrus with no one to fuck her back to her senses.

Once she reached the range, she signed heavily. "God damnit. Finally!" Aislin hoped the range wasn't like this at all during winter. Hell, spring might be fun with the damned mud. As much as it kept the mosquito away, it was still some nasty stuff if it got into her fur. It was heavy, it caked and layered, it got everything in it while it was still wet, and there was no air movement to dry her skin if she was moist so it was a miserable mess. Aislin would avoid it at all costs if she could help it.

Staying at the borders, the black wolf tilted her head back and howled to the skies for the pack leaders. Aislin wanted some more information of Covari, though she had enough of it to want to join. Aislin wanted to know how their ranks worked, and if she joined, if she could have a task right away instead of boring herself to death. When her howl finished, Aislin was silent as she waited. Her thick coat covered her slender form, but she had muscle on her enough to fight with. Aislin liked keeping that secret for good reason and it could be used to her advantage if she was used for spying work.
