
Let's Go, Let's Go~



5 Years
05-22-2014, 04:52 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was always a fun day when Lior was around. The girl was always quick to smile, fearless, and a bit like Anais herself when it came to her adventurous streak. Though maybe hers ran just a little deeper, if last night's escapades were any indication. But there was still plenty of fun to be had with them both playing safe, and she was always ready to entertain and bond with her siblings.

She lay sprawled on her side and listened as her little sister told what she was up to, and Anais nodded her head affirmatively. "I did," she promised, and then nearly lost her nerve entirely when Lior mentioned spending time with their father. Uh oh. Had she told him? Did she give away the terrible scare they had had the night before? Had he maybe figured it out? "You did, did you?" Her question came out a bit nervous, and with a little nudge to her siblings she rolled over and got to her paws, still considering how much her father now knew. And how long before that information would get to her mom.

But Lior seemed oblivious to the danger, her mind only capable of focusing on the one thing that had brought her here: play. It took her elder sister a moment to get her worries under control again and beginning to smile again she nodded once more. "Yeah, we can. So long as we stay away from the lake this time," she teased, raising a paw to bat at the younger girl. "What did you want to do?"

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.