
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty



2 Years
05-22-2014, 05:06 PM

The new layers of white against the world made for a pleasurably peaceful sight. With each new fall it washed the world anew, made it fresh and untouched without a paw print in the snow. Beyond this there was something alluring about winter, it was the perfect weather for finding warm bodies to connect to?

And then of course there was the part that made him detest early rising, to unfurl himself from his warm den and tread into the harshness of the world before the sun had a chance to wash away the worst of the chill.

Today he had had a chance to relax, to hear the soft sound of the wind from the comfort of his cave as he lazed the day away. The pack had quickly begun to form beneath them, with new members often arriving at the borders and the current members trying to find their place within Covari. It was often he got a chance to relax and he enjoyed it for as long as he could ? which would be right up until the howl that sounded against the air and summoned him to its presence. It was a call to the Alpha, but he would respond regardless. Rising quickly from his den and taking a measured loop to the borders. He would slow into an easy walk as he approached the summoner, offering her a grin as he settled upon the edge of Covari?s borders. ?Welcome to Covari, My Lady. I?m Crucifix, the beta here..?? he introduced himself, leaving it open for her to in turn give her own name. He took the chance then to look her down, to note the dark curls of her black coat and golden glow of her autumn eyes ? a reminder of warmer days.